From foodbank support to refugee outreach, school assemblies to befriending groups, kids and youth work, marriage courses and alpha sessions - everything we do is only possible through your generous giving. Giving is something we do as part of our worship, commitment to God’s people and support of the church.
Below are various ways in which you can support us financially. It is only with your support that we are able to continue to provide ministry and mission to our community. Thank you!
Regular giving helps us to budget and plan for the year ahead. We use the Parish Giving Scheme, a national church organisation that claims the gift aid on our behalf without taking commission, to enable regular giving. Click below to sign up.
Alternatively, if you would like to set up a standing order, our bank details can be found at the bottom of this page.
One-off gifts enable us to invest in specific projects and plan even further ahead. These can be made by either bank transfer, or securely online through our ‘Give a Little’ account.
Please make cheques payable to St Paul’s Church. Thank you.
The church bank account details are:
Name: St Paul’s Church
Sort code: 20-74-45
Account no: 90856711
If you pay UK tax then please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration, allowing us to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you give, at no cost to yourself. For more information contact the church office.